Update on shipping 航运情况
In Seattle-Tacoma, many carrier companies announces delays or cancel bookings. Some exporters says, the situation is the worst since 2021 crop started. According to carriers, there is still no improvement in sight. 在西雅...
Weather in Washington 华盛顿州的天气
Today it rained in Washington. Especially in Ellensburg, amount of rain that might affect hays felled. According to weather report by KOMONEWS, the rain continues until Monday. We are very nervous about the hays. 华盛顿...
Weather in this weekend 这周末的天气
According to weather report, it might be raining in chance of 30-40% this weekend. This time period is very important for Timothy, since they are dried in the field. Hope won't affect that much. 根据天气预报,这周末的降水几率是30-40...
1st Timothy 第一次割刈梯牧草
As we mentioned yesterday, Timothy is looking good! This picture is Premium grade timothy, 20-30% of field was baled, most of the baled hay were Premium or Low premium. 像昨天说的一样,梯牧草看起来很棒! 这次的图片是Premium品级的梯牧草。野田的20-30%...
Baling Timothy 包装梯牧草
In the southern basin, Timothy started baling. As in the picture, this year, Alfalfa or Timothy they all look good! 在哥伦比亚盆地南部,开始包装梯牧草了. 今年,苜蓿和梯牧草品质都很好!看看图片!