Timothy update 梯牧草的情况
The Timothy harvest has officially started. Right now the quality looks very nice for fields standing or cut lying in the windrow. Some growers in the South Basin will begin baling tomorrow. 梯牧草的收割终于开始了!现在...
Harvesting Timothy!!/收割梯牧草!!
Early harvested crops in Southern Columbia basin came out beautifully with good quality. In next week, Timothy hay will be harvested. As you can see from the picture, they look fabulous! 这次,在哥伦比亚盆地南方的牧草长得...
Weather in Washington
We had rain for couple days. It rained 20, 22, 24 and 25 of this month partially in Columbia Basin. The picture shows weather of 20th in Washington. We hope our crops will not suffer that much of rain this year.  ...
Cutting soon!
This alfalfa field is almost ready to cut! This field, photo taken by drone, is located central Columbia Basin, Washington today. We may see first cutting alfalfa harvest in next week.
Almond Acres in California is increasing again
USDA announced Almond tree acres in California in 2019 was 1.53 million acres, 10% more than 2018 and it marked highest number in history. Also USDA forecasts Almond acres in 2020 will be close to 1.6 million acres. T...